Hypnosis is the natural state of heightened awareness and suggestibility often called meditative and trance-like stages. It can be achieved by will or naturally offering a person to focus deeply and relax. In therapies hypnosis is often used to accomplish a variety of goals such as reducing anxiety and managing pain and stress. During hypnosis the subconscious mind opens and is more ready to adapt suggestions and changes in behaviour. In this blog we explore How to prevent road hypnosis. so lets get started!
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What are the types of hypnosis?

- Traditional hypnosis
- Nureolinguitic programming NLP hypnosis
- Self hypnosis
- Ericksonian hypnosis
- Sleep hypnosis
What is Highway hypnosis
Highway hypnosis is also called road hypnosis, in which drivers zone out while operating a vehicle. When driving on monotonous straight roads with few changes in traffic or surroundings, the brain receives least external stimuli. This might happen due to monotonous long roads, slow traffic flow and consistent alignment of visuals on roads and beside roads.
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Reasons behind road hypnosis
Road hypnosis can over[power anyone who is involved in long trips or driving through long same routes. Few reasons involved in road hypnosis happening.
- Lack of variety of visuals or sensory environment during certain types of driving.
- Long stretches of road, minimal traffic and absence of any engaging activity leads to hypnosis during driving.
- Being on road for extended periods of time and fatigued from driving for long hours are factors that contribute to road hynosis.
- Uniform surrounding and silence also leads to trans-like state during driving.
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Dangers of road hypnosis
Road hypnosis is common here are few prevention drivers can take to prevent this and save themselves from big road blunders..
Risk of collision
Since road hypnosis caused delayed reaction chances for drivers to collide with vehicles increased. The driver might not be fully alert, chances of them falling from their lane and failing to brake on time increased.
Hypnosis on the road leads to drowsiness. Drivers can lose consciousness and nod off behind the wheel and the possibility of accidents increases from this. Research shows road accidents caused by drivers falling asleep.
Low awareness
Drivers might lose awareness and are not fully aware of the task of driving. They may ignore important signs, traffic conditions and signals on the road.
Unable to adapt changes
It becomes difficult to adapt to certain sudden changes, such as obstacles, sudden turns, vehicles or any other thing. It becomes difficult to adapt to these changes by hypnotised drivers.
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Prevention for road hypnosis
Road hypnosis is a common phenomenon and there are few precautions drivers can take to avoid road hypnosis.
- Keep your eyes moving
Check roads, surrounding and other vehicles. Keep scanning your surroundings and move your eyes frequently. Eyes movement helps to keep your brain engaged during driving.
- Open the windows
Open windows and a cool breeze inside the vehicle help to keep you alert and awake.Slight noise and wind can induce freshness in the brain.
- Switch drivers when possible
If possible or you are travelling with a licensed driver switching seats can be useful for both of you. Taking breaks from driving prevents mental fog and fatigue.
- Adjust seat position
Comfortable but straight seat position maintains alertness and keeps you awake while driving. Extra comfortable seating and slouching can bring drowsiness and sleep during driving.
- Use Adaptive Cruise Control (If Available)
For speed modifications of cars speed according to traffic flow some vehicles have adaptive cruise control.Even while this function helps lessen mental exhaustion, it’s important to stay involved and not rely too much on the system.
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Dangers of road hypnosis can increase drivers’ risk on the road by lessening their ability to react to changing conditions. Least sensory stimulation, long roads and dull surroundings can all lead to this altered state of awareness. Maintaining physical and mental focus on the task of driving, taking regular pauses, and employing awareness-raising tactics are all important ways to prevent road hypnosis.What do you think about it? Have you ever experienced road hypnosis?